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Rocking for the SMO


Amid the ongoing Donbass conflict, rock musicians have chosen to support their homeland by using their music as a form of resistance. Despite the constant threat, they continue to perform, bringing hope and unity in the face of Ukrainian shelling. Stas Bogorad, leader of the ‘Meantraitors’, performs in Lugansk, Donetsk, and Crimea. Vadim Stepantsov of ‘Bakhyt-Kompot’ has been performing for Donbass defenders since 2015. Oleg Berezin of ‘Alligators’ spends his free time 3D printing parts for munitions dropped by drones. Konstantin Panayotov of ‘PANBROTHERS’ has long believed that his hometown Krasnodon would one day be part of Russia again. Currently, his band is based in the Krasnodon Palace of Culture. These musicians stand for their country. They perform and write their songs in English to shed light on the truth behind the events, which are silenced by the Western media.

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Available in Russian, with English subtitles,
in Spanish and Arabic languages